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The Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson

We seek to reach a favorable outcome for our clients, whether that is through skillful negotiations and mediation, or through trial. We want you to know that while we take an aggressive approach in the courtroom, we are compassionate when working directly with clients.


Tacoma Attorneys For Paternity Cases

Every parent wants the best for his or her children. When legal issues present challenges, parents want to know that an experienced lawyer will be standing by. At the Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson, our paternity lawyers in Tacoma provide zealous advocacy for parents in legal issues involving custody, visitation and paternity.

Our firm is exclusively dedicated to family law matters, handling all types of divorce, custody, support and property division cases. We offer highly personalized legal services and work to resolve the legal issues that our clients are facing in the most efficient way possible. Attorney Clay Dickinson has been practicing for over 30 years and is well-respected in the legal community. He is highly knowledgeable of family law in Washington and has a proven track record in the courtroom.

Establishing Paternity

Establishing paternity is beneficial for both the parent and the child. Once paternity is established a father can develop a relationship with his child. It can also ensure that a child gets the financial stability he or she needs. At the Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson, we frequently represent clients seeking to establish paternity and handle disputes involving custodial matters.

Sound Legal Advice For Custody Matters

Paternity issues often run hand-in-hand with custodial issues. Our attorneys can help resolve custody disputes and help establish custodial rights if paternity has been established. We have been successful in obtaining joint custody for fathers and have handled various fathers' rights cases.

Contact A Pierce County Fathers' Rights Lawyer At Our Firm

If you have questions about a paternity case, custodial rights or visitation, please contact our attorneys to schedule a free 30-minute consultation. We can be reached by phone at 253-243-0410 or you can send us an email online.