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The Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson

We seek to reach a favorable outcome for our clients, whether that is through skillful negotiations and mediation, or through trial. We want you to know that while we take an aggressive approach in the courtroom, we are compassionate when working directly with clients.

Support Modification Attorney

Family Law Attorneys In Washington

If you have recently experienced a change in your financial situation modification of a support order may be in order. Support orders are designed to benefit all parties and take into account income generated by both parents. If one parent has a substantial change in income the other parent may be required to pay less. Family law attorneys at the Washington Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson have over 30 years of experience in family law and understand the importance of ensuring support orders are correct for all involved. We can help.

Should I Notify Someone If My Income Changes?

If you have a support order through any court of law you are obligated to notify the courts of the changes whether you are the payer or payee. If your income goes up you may be forced into higher support payments, however, if your income goes down your support order should be modified to reflect that as well. Acting fast is your best bet to protect yourself. If you delay notifying the courts of an income increase you risk being subject to large back payments. If you delay notifying the courts of an income decrease you risk being unable to make your support payments and being held in contempt. Protect yourself, hire a family attorney to avoid support modification hassles.

Contact Tacoma, Washington Family Law Attorneys

If your financial circumstances have changed it’s your obligation to notify the courts in a timely manner. Let out attorneys help you. At the Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson, we are committed to providing diligent, quality legal representation for families throughout the Tacoma, Washington area and offer free 30-minute consultations. We know just how important your family and financial affairs are and we want to help you avoid any potential support issues that may creep up if your modifications are not handled correctly. Contact us at your earliest convenience 253-243-0410. Se habla Española.