An Experienced Attorney Can Help If You Refused A Breathalyzer
When or if you are pulled over under suspicion of DUI, you will be asked to take a Breathalyzer. This chemical test checks the blood alcohol level and tells a police officer if you are over your legal limit and have been drinking too much. If you have refused a DUI and need the help of an attorney, call attorney Clayton R Dickinson today.
Can I Refuse A Breathalyzer
You can refuse a breathalyzer but you may end up being arrested as a result. If you refuse the breathalyzer, a police officer can take you into custody. You should call an attorney as soon as you can to arrange for legal representation. Just because you refused a Breathalyzer or chemical test, doesn’t mean you are guilty. An experienced attorney can help you prove your innocence.
How Can An Attorney Help Me?
If you have been arrested for DUI and refusing a chemical test, your attorney will fight for your rights. He will prove your innocence and explain why you refused the test. The legal system is cutting down on DUI and drunk drivers, so you can count on the opposing counsel to get aggressive during your case. Your attorney will fight for you and make sure you are not taken advantage of and are treated fairly throughout your case.
An Experienced DUI Defense Attorney Is Waiting To Help You
If you have been charged with a DUI and refused to take a Breathalyzer, you will need the help of a skilled attorney. Attorney Clayton R Dickinson will fight for your rights and help you get your DUI charge dropped or reduce. Call an experienced DUI defense attorney today at 253-243-0410.