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The Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson

We seek to reach a favorable outcome for our clients, whether that is through skillful negotiations and mediation, or through trial. We want you to know that while we take an aggressive approach in the courtroom, we are compassionate when working directly with clients.

Lengthy Divorce Cases

Get Help With Your Lengthy Divorce Case

If your marriage is no longer working for your or your spouse and you are ready to get a divorce, you will need to hire an experienced divorce attorney. You can count on someone Clayton Dickinson to help you. You don’t want to handle a divorce on your own, choose an attorney who will stay by your side throughout the entire process.

Why Do I Need To Hire An Attorney?

If you are going through a divorce, there are many things that may be at stake. You will have to sort out such issues as child custody, child support, alimony and a division of bills and assets. These things can get complicated and cause a lot of friction between spouses. It is in your best interest to hire an attorney who will handle these difficult aspects of your case. Your attorney won’t be afraid to get aggressive when necessary and will make sure you are not taken advantage of by your spouse’s counsel.

Are Divorce Cases Lengthy?

Divorce cases can be lengthy, but your attorney will help speed things along as much as possible. In many cases, the process takes so long because the spouses cannot agree on the terms of the divorce and everything must be worked out in court. Your attorney will keep the ball rolling so you can get your divorce over as fast as possible and move on with your life.

Call An Experienced Divorce Attorney Today

If you are ready to get a divorce and want to hire an experienced and passionate attorney to help you get the results you want, contact Clayton Dickinson at 253-243-0410. You don’t have to deal with a lengthy divorce on your own, an attorney can help you.