Attorney Clayton Dickinson Can Help With Your Divorce Modification
When you get divorced, there are arrangements made and plans created. These are usually the terms of the divorce and they may cover child support, alimony, child custody and other aspects. If you find that your circumstances have changed and you can no longer meet the terms of the divorce agreement, a modification may be able to be made. You will need an attorney to help you. Attorney Clayton Dickinson can help.
What Is A Divorce Modification?
A divorce modification is basically a change to the terms of a divorce. They are granted in situations where one party is unable to meet the current terms for a legitimate reason. The reason may be a change is employment, an illness or even a move. Not all modification requests are approved, but hiring an attorney who is experienced with divorce cases can help improve your chances.
Can I Afford An Attorney?
When you need to request a divorce modification, you are asking for something that can affect your life. You can’t afford not to have an attorney for such a case. You can discuss your payment options with your attorney at your first meeting and work out the details. Your attorney will explain the cost involved and make sure you are confident in his service and your case.
Let An Experienced Divorce Modification Attorney Help You
A divorce modification can make your life easier and is an option for people who can show that they have a legitimate need for the change. If you are ready to have your divorce agreement modified, let attorney Clayton Dickinson help you. Call 253-243-0410 today.