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The Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson

We seek to reach a favorable outcome for our clients, whether that is through skillful negotiations and mediation, or through trial. We want you to know that while we take an aggressive approach in the courtroom, we are compassionate when working directly with clients.

Discharging Student Loan Debt Attorney

A Bankruptcy Can Help You With Student Loan Debt And Bankruptcy

Student loans can be frustrating and difficult to pay. When you went to college you were likely excited about your future and now you are struggling to pay back your student loans. Don’t let your student loan debt get your down, Clayton Dickinson may be able to help you dissolve it.

Can Student Loans Be Discharged With Bankruptcy

In many cases student loans cannot be discharged during bankruptcy, but there are some exceptions. A debtor must be able to prove that them have experienced an undue hardship before the loans can be discharged. Your attorney can help you get your student loans discharged with bankruptcy and will make sure you understand how the process works.

What If My Student Loans Can’t Be Discharged?

In the event that your student loans cannot be discharged, your attorney may still help you file bankruptcy and help you pay off your loans. Once you file bankruptcy and have all of your other debts taken care of, you may find that you can make your student loan payments much more easily. Your attorney will help you come up with a plan to take care of your student loans once and for all.

Contact Clayton Dickinson To Take Care Of Your Student Loans With Bankruptcy

If you are ready to see if you can have your student loans discharged during bankruptcy, Clayton Dickinson can help you. Student loans should not be taking over your life. Get rid of them once in for all. Call 253-243-0410 today and get the legal advice you need.