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The Law Offices of Clayton R. Dickinson

We seek to reach a favorable outcome for our clients, whether that is through skillful negotiations and mediation, or through trial. We want you to know that while we take an aggressive approach in the courtroom, we are compassionate when working directly with clients.

Defense Of Parental Rights Challenged

An Attorney Will Defend You Against Challenges To Your Parental Rights

When two people get divorced or separated and there are children involved, things can get emotional and then turn ugly. When one parent doesn’t want the other involved in a child’s life, they can challenge that person’s right as a parent. This can be a scary thing for a parent, but attorney Clayton Dickinson can help.

Can My Parental Right Be Challenged?

If the other parents makes an accusation about your parenting or decides that he or she does not want you to be in your child’s life, they could challenge your rights as a parent. In most cases a judge will determine whether or not one parent or the other is given custody or when shared parenting is the best option.

Can An Attorney Help Me?

A family law attorney can help you defend your rights as a parent if they are challenged. Your attorney will prove that you deserve to have your child just as much as the other parents and will fight with your best interest in mind. If you have questions or concerns about the case along the way, you your attorney will answer them and do his best to get you the results you want.

Get Help From An Attorney Today

If you are a parent and have had your parental rights challenged, a family law attorney can help you. Let attorney Clayton Dickinson help you. You deserve to see your children just as much as any other parent. Call 253-243-0410 today for help.