An Attorney Can Help With Your Alimony Modification
Alimony is often set at the time of divorce. If you are unable to meet the terms set in your alimony agreement, you may be able to have it modified. A family law or divorce attorney can help you with your request. Call Clayton Dickinson for help today.
What Is Alimony?
Spousal support is often called alimony and is awarded to one spouse if they have become use to depending on the other spouse for financial support. Alimony helps the other spouse get back on his or feet after the divorce and can be awarded for a short period of time or indefinitely.
How Can I Get An Alimony Modification?
If you are unable to meet the terms of your current agreement for a legitimate reason, the courts may modify your spousal support order. Your payments may be lowered or you may no longer have to make any spousal support payments at all. You must first show that you are in need of a modification.
Call An Experienced Attorney For Help Today
If you are currently having financial problems, health problems or have another reason that you cannot keep up with your current spousal support order, talk to attorney Clayton Dickinson for help today. She may be able to assist you in your modification. Call 253-243-0410 today.